Friday, December 11, 2009

What a Beautiful Mask!

Tutankhamun's mask is one of the most prized possessions of any pharaoh in the world. Whoohoo! Yeah, yeah, yeah! I've seen it before, and I thought there were many more beautiful masks than that, until I found all of the details.
You see, King Tut's mask is made from burnished gold, blue glass stripes, and many, many jewels. In fact, there are over 100 jewels and beads on the bottom U shape of the mask. You can also see the cobra (made with blue farence, carnelian, lapis lazuli, and quartz) on the very top, symbolizing the king's rule over Lower Egypt. The vulture (made from solid gold with a glass beak) to the direct right representing his rule over Upper Egypt. Everything on the mask is made from some significant jewel or mineral, yes even his eyebrows! In fact, his fine brows and eye make-up are made out of lapis lazuli and quartz.
Here are some fun facts about the mask:
1. It took 22.5 pounds of gold sheets to cover the mask.
2. The lid to the sarcophagus weighed one and a quarter tons. (2,500 lbs.)
3. The coffin weighed more than 220 pounds.
That is one important Pharaoh!!

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